Life skills and sport for us go hand in hand as sport is not only good for our physical wellbeing (our bodies) but also good for mental wellbeing (our minds) too. Our Sports2life programme has 3 main benefits: Developmental, Social...
In this session we covered Mindfulness which was all about helping children to be aware of the little things like our body’s senses and how when we are taking part in sports and activity it allows us to forget what’s...
In this weeks session we explained to the children how being focused can help them to deal with distractions in our everyday life. For example in school life they have to focus in class to learn, and there can be...
Week 3 was all about taking the children out of their comfort zones. We did this through a series of sports skills and games based activities to see how they felt when having to do a task e.g. throwing and...
The children played some games and sports today that helped them to understand the importance of Teamwork. We spoke about how in sport teamwork was a key factor as you need all the players to come together and how much...
We set up the session today so that children would find the tasks pretty much impossible to do and that they would experience times of not succeeding or being successful.
We played some attacking and defending games this week. One of the games consisted of trying to collect as many footballs from your opponents as you could whilst at the same time trying to protect your own teams footballs. Children...
Patience was the key in this weeks session with the children getting the chance to experience having to wait whilst at the same time being put through their paces in a fitness circuit.Children worked in pairs with one running around...
“Thank You”, two words that don’t cost and when said with meaning and emotion can make the person receiving them feel good. In today’s session we practised this through the “Mine Game”...